Vlogs aka Video Blogs

These are shorter, typically simpler videos on specific items about your business.

To the Point...

Vlogs are the most open ended video service we offer. They can be about anything! Don't hold us to it, but most of our vlogs fall under two categories basic or complex. Our vlogs can also be as cheap as $250 a pop.

The videos are social media gold. They are the best way to EGAGE, SECURE & RETAIN your audience online. You can showcase or demo a new product or just let a customer brag about you. Then let them all play out on your Facebook page.

Here are some examples of what make great vlogs:

  • Customer Testimonials
  • Product Demos
  • Website Walk-Throughs
  • How-To Videos
  • Cooking Videos
  • Differentiator Videos
  • Department Explainers
  • Employee Features